Quick and easy time recording. Perfect for self employed and freelancers, also suitable for employees or for leisure and hobby to log and evaluate the required time for activities in all areas.

Main page

Main page with active time recording


Edit entry

Set filter


Button colors
- Direct time recording during an activity
- Possible to change start time during time recording
- Logging pauses which will be shown and calculates as separate entries
- Add or change entries afterwards
- Each entry is assigned to a client, project and activitiy
- Add hourly rate for each project (optional)
- Show total list (the log) for all entries
- Use filter to display required entries only
- Sort the log ascending or descending by date and time
- Display time exactly per minute or rounded (5, 6, 10, 15 or 30 minutes)
- Quick evaluation by displaying the daily and total sum of entries, their duration and turnover
- Assignment of one or several keywords for each entry (optional)
- Add notes for each entry (optional)
- Backup and restore the database on an SD card (allows transfer between Free version and Pro version)
- Statistics for monthly and annual totals as well as monthly average
- Transfer the exported or backup files via WiFi transfer to other devices
- Archiving of entries
Customized settings:
- Background (light / dark)
- Button color (blue / red / gray)
- Language (German / English)
- Date (short / extended format)
- Export date (short format)
- Date separator (dot / dash / slash)
- Duration (hours and minutes / decimal hours)
- Time (24 or 12 hour format)
- Decimal separator (comma / point)
- First day of the week (all weekdays)
Also in the Pro version:
- Export filtered entries to CSV, HTML or PDF file to an SD card or directly via email for further use on the PC
- CSV files import
- Ad-Free
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Why does the time recording cannot start?
To start the time recording the buttons client, project and activity must contain entries.
Why is the log empty although entries exist?
This could be due to the filter. If a filter combination was chosen that applies to no entry the log is empty.
How can the data be transferred from the Free to the Pro version?
A transfer works as follows:
- start Free version
- open settings (gear in the title bar)
- select "Backup" function
- enter file name and confirm
- start Pro version
- reopen settings
- select "Restore" function
- select the previously created file and confirm
Caution: All existing entries are overwritten by a restore!
Do you have any questions about the app? Please contact us.